web Musings of The Global Traveller

Friday, July 24, 2009

Frequent Flyer Friday

To celebrate Fridays I'll be interviewing some frequent flyers. They'll share some travel and frequent flyer program tips with us all.

If you have any questions you'd like answered, or wish to nominate someone for an interview, please drop me a line using the please use the contact me link. For all sorts of reasons I can't make any guarantees, but if you're interested chances are others are too and so we'll get some good interviews.

I'll update this post with a link to each Frequent Flyer Friday post to have a handy index for easy reference.

Ben - One Mile at a Time
Brett - Cranky Flier
Seth - Wandering Aramean
Darren - Travel Rants
Anglo Large Clawed Otter
Steven Frischling - Flying with Fish

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